Anger Management Blog

Please visit frequently to see our highly personal articles focused upon anger and conflict management. They are likely to help you more than you know!

  • Effective Counseling
    Counseling is a two way street and is a co-operative effort between the one being counseled and the counselor. Making difficult changes in thinking patterns and behavior requires commitment from both parties. Setting up the goals early and clearly defining ways to measure the improvement are essential if one is… Read more: Effective Counseling
  • CBT and Mindfulness
    CBT and Mindfulness are increasingly being used in conjunction. Below are some links that you’ll find useful regarding Mindfulness based Cognitive Therapy. Mindfulness CBT as Effective as Antidepressants in Preventing Depression Relapse Mindfulness Therapy Beats Drugs in Preventing Depression Relapse. Slide – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness in Addiction Treatment… Read more: CBT and Mindfulness
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    CBT is a therapeutic approach that emphasizes the important role of our thoughts in how we feel and what we do. Primarily developed by merging Cognitive Therapy and Behavior Therapy, CBT is highly effective in treatment of many problems including mood disorders, anxiety, personality, eating, substance abuse, psychotic disorders, insomnia… Read more: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Why do we get Angry?
    Over nothing? No. Mostly, our anger is caused by – our thoughts, cognitive distortions, things not being in our control, excessive stress, unrealistic expectations and disappointments – both professionally and personally. Anger can appear irrational but learning to look below the surface can reveal the cause. Identifying the cause is… Read more: Why do we get Angry?
  • Anger and your Heart
    A study of 1300 men with average age 62 revealed that those with excessive anger are 3 times more likely to develop heart disease than the rest. Another research done at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine tracked 1,055 medical students for 36 years. The hotheads were found to be 6… Read more: Anger and your Heart
  • What can you do to prevent this??
    Well the good news is that there’s plenty you can do. Here is something to start with Control your emotions. Recognize things that irritate and anger you. Practice stress management and anger management techniques. Exercise. Eat well. The best solution is to develop a longer fuse and not get angry… Read more: What can you do to prevent this??
  • Stressbusters
    One doesn’t need elaborate therapy and costly sessions to get relief from stress. A few lifestyle changes can go a long way in helping you lead a stress free and anxiety free life. Eat right. Make time for a little exercise. Utilize relaxation techniques viz yoga, breathing, meditation. Take out… Read more: Stressbusters
  • Various Manifestation of Anger
    Anger, just like other emotions needs a way to get out of our system. If not dealt with constructively it can manifest itself in a host of avatars. Below are some that most of us have witnessed from close quarters. Road Rage Spouse Beating/Failed Marriages Drug Addiction Low Self Esteem… Read more: Various Manifestation of Anger
  • Mindfulness of Breathing
    The main focus in Mindful Meditation is breathing and concentrating on your breath as it enters and exits your body. The objective is a non judging calm awareness that allows the thoughts and feelings to come and go. For those of you who’d like to experience it first hand, try… Read more: Mindfulness of Breathing
  • Angry? Need Help?
    Getting angry often? Do trivial things push you off the edge? Do you regret what you did when you were angry? Is your anger affecting your life and of those around you? A “yes” to any of the above questions is a sign that you may need professional help. Like… Read more: Angry? Need Help?
  • Mindfulness with Thich Nhat Hanh
    Some words from Thich Nhat Hanh Smile, breathe and go slowly. Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept… Read more: Mindfulness with Thich Nhat Hanh
  • Mindfulness (Awareness)
    Mindfulness (Sanskrit: smṛti स्मृति), a practice of Buddhist tradition has made its presence felt in Western Psychology. Many people are drawing benefit from it and believe it is a good way to keep the mind stress free and calm. The philosophy has wide reference in all Eastern Religions and is… Read more: Mindfulness (Awareness)
  • Controlling Anger
    Learning to control our anger is a much needed skill in the high pressure work environments of today. It makes for more harmonious and constructive atmosphere at work, resulting in more job satisfaction and better productivity. Although we cannot control the external factors that trigger our anger we certainly have… Read more: Controlling Anger
  • Anger Management
    Anger is a normal response to something that is threatening to us. How we manage it determines its effect on us and those around us – positive to catastrophic. Mismanaged anger shows itself in many forms. Road rage, domestic abuse, workplace violence and self abuse to name a few. It… Read more: Anger Management